Archbishop Bernard Hebda Invites MN Catholics to Join Him for Catholics at the Capitol 2021 April 15

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Now is the time to become a missionary disciple advocating for life and dignity! There is no time more important than now to speak out in defense of life and dignity at the State Capitol! Even just a handful of people can influence the laws passed by our elected officials; just imagine the impact of every Catholic voice joining together!

~ Be formed in the faith by celebrating Mass at the Cathedra of St. Paul.

~ Be informed on the issues by speakers such as internationally renowned champion for life Obianuju Ekeocha, and Archbishop Jose Gomez, USCCB President and Archbishop of Los Angeles.

~ Be sent on the mission to transform our state with a eucharistic procession to the State Capitol before speaking with your legislators.

Catholics at the Capitol is designed for YOU! Whether you are an "old pro" in the political arena, exasperated with divisive politics, or someone who doesn't know where to begin, “CatCap” will fortify your faith, provide you with the hope needed to heal the cynicism and division in politics, and equip you to speak with your lawmakers.

Legislative Visits will take place the following day virtually on April 16, 2021 between 1:00pm and 3:00pm!

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