Immigration Sunday

Immigration Sunday Minnesota – September 26th, 2020

in conjunction with

World Day of Migrants and Refugees

Immigration Sunday Minnesota is Sunday, September 26th in conjunction with World Day of Migrants and Refugees. This year’s theme is Towards an Ever Wider ‘We’.

Immigration Sunday is an important moment for Minnesota Catholics to show their commitment to welcoming migrants and refugees in our communities through our prayers, education, and actions. By accompanying them in person and prayer, we can not only help them integrate into our communities but show that we see and welcome Christ in them.

In his annual message for World Day of Migrants and Refugees, Pope Francis writes:

“Indeed the Church’s catholicity, her universality, must be embraced and expressed in every age, according to the will and grace of the Lord who promised to be with us always, until the end of the age (cf. Mt 28:20). The Holy Spirit enables us to embrace everyone, to build communion in diversity, to unify differences without imposing a depersonalized uniformity. In encountering the diversity of foreigners, migrants, and refugees, and in the intercultural dialogue that can emerge from this encounter, we have an opportunity to grow as Church and to enrich one another. All the baptized, wherever they find themselves, are by right members of both their local ecclesial community and the one Church, dwellers in one home and part of one family.”

To move toward a greater understanding and gather ideas of how your own parish can mark Immigration Sunday Minnesota, make use of the following resources:

Learn More & Take Action

What does the Catholic Church teach with regard to immigration?

Read this post and read through the statement, “Unlocking the Gate in Our Hearts,” from the Catholic Bishops on Minnesota on the need for federal immigration reform.

How can I help influence policies and laws the impact migrants and refugees?

Visit the USCCB’s Justice for Immigrants website.

Individuals can also encourage their US Senators to support the Dream Act of 2019, S. 874, to provide DACA recipients with a path to citizenship.

Send a message to officials in support of DACA recipients and on a number of issues impacting immigrants in the U.S. and around the world.


September 26, 2020 at 6:00am - September 27, 2020