Maggee Hangge testifies in opposition to H.F. 91 in House Judiciary Finance and Policy


Chair Becker-Finn and Members of the Committee:

My name is Maggee Hangge, and I am a policy associate at the Minnesota Catholic Conference. I am here today to share our opposition to H.F. 91, and specifically to repealing the abortion reporting requirements.

Removing the reporting requirement is an unnecessary and reckless decision.

These reports share valuable data, from which all Minnesotans benefit. For example, the 2021 abortion report reveals that nearly 13 percent of abortions were procured for economic reasons. We can also see, from comparing various MDH reports, that nearly 25 percent of black pregnancies end in abortion, compared to only 9 percent of white pregnancies.

With that knowledge, we can address the economic and racial disparities for pregnant Minnesotans. Perhaps the expectant mother needed assistance purchasing a car seat, did not have adequate housing, or enough money to properly nourish her child. Because of the report, we can know enact or strengthen programs to truly walk with mothers in need and help them secure the proper resources to bring that child into the world.

Repealing the abortion reporting requirement will also be detrimental to women who seek an abortion, since without that in place, there would be no accountability for the abortion provider. Not to mention that our tax dollars are paying for many of these abortions. Minnesotans deserve to know where and how these tax dollars are being used, and if the state is being good and fair stewards of our money.

It is common practice anywhere we go to fill out paperwork and share the reason for our visit. Thus, nearly every facet of our government and day-to-day lives gets reported.

Removing the abortion reporting requirement is not a service to Minnesota women. Instead, it is a way for abortion providers to keep their unethical practices in the dark. We hope you vote no on H.F. 91. Thank you.

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