Pages tagged "Care for Creation"
Laudato Si' FAQ (from "Natural and Human Ecology" panel discussion
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2022 State Fair Poll Results
Each year the nonpartisan Minnesota House and Senate Public Information Service Offices conduct an unscientific poll.Each poll asks about...
Continue reading…Coalition Letter of Support for S.F. 3737 (Grant program to assist MN farmers with building soil health)
PDF Version March 14, 2022 Senate Agriculture and Rural Development Finance and Policy CommitteeChair Torrey Westrom3201 Minnesota Senate...
Continue reading…Minnesota, Our Common Home
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Dr. John Cavadini on the Influences of Saints Francis & Augustine on Laudato Si'
This week we’re joined by Dr. John Cavadini a theology professor at the University of Notre Dame to discuss his reflections on Pope Franc...
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Dr. Joseph Capizzi On Human Ecology and the Challenges Posed by Big Tech and the Security State
In this week's episode, we speak with Dr. Joseph Capizzi, about human ecology. We dig into what that is and how things like big tech and ...
Continue reading…How are recreational marijuana, immigration, prenatal justice, and more connected?
How are recreational marijuana, immigration, prenatal justice, and more connected? Behind the scenes at Catholics at the Capitol - A discussion of how seemingly disparate issues are interconnected through integral ecology.
Continue reading…Care for Creation
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Bill Jacobs On Saint Kateri, Integral Ecology, And Our Common Home
In today’s episode we’re talking about stewarding God’s creation and diving into the concept of integral ecology ahead of the upcoming Wo...
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Dr. Daniel DiLeo on Environmental Ethics and the Catholic Response
In this week's episode, we delve into the ethics of care for the environment, and the Catholic response to climate concerns and calls for...
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