Pages tagged "Marriage and Family"

Star Tribune: Walz signs bill clarifying constitutional protections for religious entities under Human Rights Act
Star Tribune: Walz signs bill adding religious exemption for gender identity to Human Rights Act
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Catholic News Agency: Minnesota bishops urge opposition to ‘Equal Rights Amendment’
Catholic News Agency: Minnesota bishops urge opposition to ‘Equal Rights Amendment’
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The Catholic Spirit: MCC urges participation to help families, defeat physician-assisted suicide and sports gambling
As the Minnesota Legislature prepares to open the second half of its 2023-2024 legislative session Feb. 12 at the Minnesota State Capitol...
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The Catholic Spirit: MCC stresses legislation and other initiatives to assist mothers, families in need
The Catholic Spirit: MCC stresses legislation and other initiatives to assist mothers, families in need
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Defunding the City of Man
Recently, the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis hosted a “playful demon summoning session” for families, where children were invited to create a trap for their own demons so they could get to know them better. Walker Art Center’s description of the event reads as: “(d)emons have a bad reputation, but maybe we’re just not very good at getting to know them.” Alpha News called attention to the event in an Aug. 11 online article. The event is a good reminder that the battle we wage in this life is a spiritual one against the powers and principalities who wish to enslave the world. St. Augustine called this contest one between the City of God and the City of Man. They are two cities, with two loves and two aims.
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Work in the vineyard must continue
Because Catholics across Minnesota urged legislators to put families first, many of our poorest families across the state will now benefit from a nation-leading Child Tax Credit. More work is needed to make more families eligible, but this per-child refundable tax credit is expected to reduce childhood poverty in Minnesota by 20-30%.
Continue reading…Testimony in Support of a New Minnesota Child Tax Credit Taxes Conference Committee (H.F. 1938)
PDF Version May 9, 2023 Chair Rest, Chair Gomez, and Members of the Tax Conference Committee: Minnesota is a prosperous state, yet our ...
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The legislature is making final decisions. Why your voice matters even in the final stages.
It is vital that Minnesota Catholics share their concerns with elected officials as the omnibus bills are being finalized as we near the ...
Continue reading…Testimony Urging Senate Tax Committee to Expand Child Tax Credit
Chair Rest and members of the committee. My name is Ryan Hamilton, I represent the Minnesota Catholic Conference, the public policy vo...
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AP: Minnesota moves to strengthen status as ‘trans refuge state’
ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) — The Minnesota House was moving Thursday toward strengthening the state’s protections for children and their famili...
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