Pages tagged "Migration"
Oral Testimony of Ryan E. Hamilton on HF 4307 (Schultz) Article 4, Section 4 (Citizens requirements for MinnesotaCare)
Testimony of Ryan E. Hamilton, Minnesota Catholic Conference Government Relations AssociateH.F. 4307 (Schultz)—Article 4, Section 4 (Citi...
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Grace Olmstead on Recovering the Legacy of the Places We've Left Behind
In today’s episode we’re talking about our roots – the places we come from – and why so many people end up needing to uproot themselves t...
Continue reading…Letter to State Leaders Highlighting Special Session Negotiation Priorities
Dear State Leaders (Gov. Tim Walz & Lt. Gov. Peggy Flanagan, Senator Paul Gazelka - Majority Leader, and Speaker of the House Melissa...
Continue reading…Letter to Transportation Conference Committee requesting adoption of House Positions on Driver’s License Eligibility and Suspension Reform
The Honorable Frank Hornstein, ChairTransportation Finance and Policy Committee545 State Office BuildingSt. Paul, MN 55155 The Honorable ...
Continue reading…Catholics at the Capitol: Knights of Columbus & Immigration
The Knights of Columbus sponsored Catholics at the Capitol 2021. Hear how they are helping Catholics live out their roles as faithful citizens, plus the historic role the KofC has played in aiding immigrants to keep families together.
Continue reading…As legislature nears end of regular session, Minnesota Catholics are on mission to transform Minnesota in defense of life & dignity
Minnesota’s legislature ends its regular session in mid-May. This deadline makes right now a key time for Catholics to fulfill the missio...
Continue reading…Archbishop Gomez' Catholics at the Capitol speech
Archbishop Gomez of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, discusses topics including racism, Fratelli Tutti, and Faithful Citizenship.
Continue reading…DACA recipient shares her story in support of Minnesota driver's license bill
A Minnesota mom and DACA recipient, shares about her own journey with the immigration system and what’s being done here in Minnesota to try to provide immigrants with access to some of the basic needs to provide for their families.
Continue reading…Bishop Quinn testifies in support of bill to provide undocumented immigrants opportunity to become licensed drivers
Testimony of Bishop John M. Quinn Bishop of Diocese of Winona-RochesterHF 1163 (Winkler)House Transportation CommitteeMarch 9, 2021 Chai...
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