Pages tagged "Migration"
Written Testimony of Jason Adkins in Support of Immigrant Driver’s Licenses, H.F. 238
H.F. 238 May 16, 2014 Good morning. My name is Jason Adkins and I am executive director of the Minnesota Catholic Conference, the public ...
Continue reading…There’s still hope for immigration reform this year
Every day seems to bring some news that comprehensive immigration reform is either “dead for this year,” or “very likely to happen.” Repu...
Continue reading…The Catholic Spirit: Capitol Concerns
Protecting the religious liberty of all Minnesotans. Reforming payday lending practices that take advantage of the poor and vulnerable. R...
Continue reading…Immigration and the Next America
The story of America is the story of immigration. That is the message of Los Angeles Archbishop José Gomez’s important and timely book en...
Continue reading…The Catholic Spirit: Now is the time to fix our broken immigration system
By Archbishop John C. NienstedtThe Catholic Church in Minnesota and, indeed, around the United States, is deeply concerned about our nati...
Continue reading…The Catholic Spirit: Archbishop, panel urge support for immigration reform
Father Joseph Williams remembers taking a tough stance on illegal immigration in 1990 when he was a high school student participating in ...
Continue reading…Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities Letter of Support
(PDF Version) As the House of Representatives begins debate on immigration reform, 93 Catholic university presidents were joined by aca...
Continue reading…Uniting mercy, justice in immigration reform debate
Minnesota Catholic Conference staff often receives emails of “concern” regarding policy issues for which MCC is advocating on behalf of t...
Continue reading…The Catholic Spirit: Minnesota Catholic, evangelical leaders urge Congress to pass immigration reform
Archbishop John Nienstedt joined other Christian faith leaders on the plaza of the U.S. Courthouse in Minneapolis June 26 to urge Minneso...
Continue reading…News Release (MCC and Transform MN): Catholic and Evangelical Leaders Issue ‘Christian Call’ for Immigration Reform to MN Congressional Representatives
Providing roadmap to citizenship and promoting family reunification listed as top priorities Leaders ask Minnesota Christians to urge the...
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