The Catholic Spirit: Pro-life voices joining forces at United for Life event in St. Paul Feb. 28

In light of pro-abortion legislation recently passed by the Minnesota House and Senate, and signed into law by Gov. Tim Walz, pro-life Minnesotans have an opportunity to learn about the issues and advocate for life during United for Life Pro-life Advocacy Day at the State Capitol in St. Paul Feb. 28.  

“Doesn’t matter your denomination or your political affiliation,” said Maggee Hangge, policy and public relations associate for the Minnesota Catholic Conference, which will be part of the event with other pro-life groups. “If you’re interested in the pro-life movement and want to have your voice heard, you can come join us.” 

Hangge recently joined “Practicing Catholic” radio show host Patrick Conley to describe the pro-life event Feb. 28 at the state Capitol in St. Paul. “We want to show that the pro-life message and the pro-life voice here in Minnesota, we’re not backing down despite what’s happening at the Capitol,” she said.  

“And actually, we’re gearing up and we’re here and ready to share the pro-life message with our legislators,” Hangge said. The “key component” of the event will be the chance for attendees to meet with their legislators, she said.  

“Doors open” at 9 a.m. at the State Capitol in St. Paul, with a rally at 10 a.m. in the Capitol rotunda, followed by meetings with attendees’ state representatives, educational opportunities, table displays, speakers and a chance to connect with leading pro-life organizations from across Minnesota from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. 

One goal is “trying to show the breadth of the movement to our people, and then bring that to legislators as well,” Hangge said.  

The Minnesota Catholic Conference not only focuses on legislation-related aspects of supporting the pro-life cause, Hangge said, but also on related family issues. For example, one of the cornerstones of MCC’s “Families First Project” is a child tax credit, Hangge said, which could help families choose life. “One of the reasons they don’t is for economic reasons,” she said.  

To learn more about the MCC’s Families First program, visit To register for the Feb. 28 United for Life Pro-life Advocacy Day at the state Capitol in St. Paul, visit Tickets are free but registering enables MCC staff to set up attendees’ particular legislative meeting based on their address and district.  

Attendees can bring donations of diapers, Hangge said, which will be distributed to moms in need. Financial donations are also welcome, which will be given to Diaper Bank of Minnesota.  


Read the complete article from The Catholic Spirit.

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