Fr. Tom Knoblach on Health Care Ethics Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic
In this episode, we are joined by Fr. Tom Knoblach, a health care ethicist from the Diocese of St. Cloud. We discuss COVID-19 and the impacts of a pandemic on health care ethics.
Fr. Tom Knoblach has served many parishes across the St. Cloud diocese in addition to having his P.h. D. in healthcare ethics. Fr. Knoblach serves as a consultant for healthcare ethics for the St. Cloud diocese and serves on several committees and boards on issues related to theology and ethics including the Minnesota Catholic Conference’s Life, Family, Health Care Committee.
In our mailbag segment, we discuss a question about government funding of private education.
Also, in our brick layer segment, we discuss resources you can use to start to change how you engage with others in discussions leading up to the presidential election this fall.
Additional resources mentioned in this episode: