Marriage and Family
“Founded on love and open to the gift of life, the family contains in itself the very future of society.”
– St. Pope John Paul II, “Message for the World Day of Peace”
Marriage and family life is the basic unit of every society. A society is only as healthy, as stable, as energetic, and as imbued with moral values as its families. Take stable families away and Minnesota’s source of responsible citizens begins to dry up.
Both Church and state must link efforts to promote healthy marriages and family life. We support public policies that edify the importance of mothers and fathers in society and their distinct tasks in raising and nurturing healthy children.
Additionally, we seek to educate Catholics on the fullness of marital love by providing resources for strengthening marriages and families in the home, and at the parish and community level. When we have a better understanding of marital love, we see more clearly the nature of authentic social justice and what public policy, on whatever issue, we can and cannot faithfully support.
Bills MCC is Tracking:
There are thousands of bills introduced during the legislative session every year. These are the marriage and family bills for which the Minnesota Catholic Conference has taken a position.
Red = Oppose | Green = Support
You can click on any of the bills to see further information including the full text of the bill, which legislators are sponsoring the bill, various actions taken by the legislature, votes taken, and supporting documents.