Rev. Dr. John Senior on the Calling to Public Service
In this week's episode, we're speaking with Reverent Dr. John Senior the Director of the Art of Ministry, Assistant Professor of Practical Theology and Religious Leadership, and Director of the Collaborative for Religious Leadership at Wake Forest University’s School of Divinity.
We are speaking with Dr. Senior about his book, "A theology of Political Vocation: Christian Life and Public Office." We delve into questions such as what does it mean for politics to be a vocation, what difference is there for the Christian serving in the public square, and what does the journey look like when answering the calling to be a public servant?
In our action item, we introduce you to the new bill tracking tool in our Catholic Advocacy Network action center and what issues we are tracking this session that Catholics will want to keep on their radar for discussions with their legislators.
Related links:
Dr. John Senior's webpage:
Baylor Press for ordering "A theology of political vocation":…tical-vocation/
Catholic Advocacy Network action center: www,