Life and Bioethics

“It is impossible to further the common good without acknowledging and defending the right to life, upon which all the other inalienable rights of individuals are founded and from which they develop.”

– Saint Pope John Paul II, Evangelium Vitae

Each and every human person was created by God, in His image and likeness. We’ve all been redeemed by His Son and are sustained by His love. Because of our divine origin and end, each of us has invaluable worth and unconditional dignity, no matter our capacity, state of life, or past actions. The value of human life is a gift; it is not something that can be lost or gained.

Society’s first duty is to protect and support human life, from the moment of conception until natural death. Our laws should build a culture of life and should protect the most vulnerable among us. Practices that undermine the value of human life—such as abortion, euthanasia, torture, embryo destruction—have no place in a just society. Simultaneously, public policy should strive to create the conditions for life at every stage to be lived in a manner consistent with our God-given dignity.


Current Issues:

Below are the major issues on which we are currently active, but to understand the breadth of our work, visit our legislative statements & testimony page. Click the buttons below to find issue-specific resources.


Gender Ideology

Equal Rights Amendment

Physician Assisted Suicide

Assisted Reproductive Technology

Key Resources:

Evangelium Vitae

Bills that MCC is Tracking:

There are thousands of bills introduced during the legislative session every year. Below you will find the life and bio-ethics bills for which the Minnesota Catholic Conference has taken a position.

Red = Oppose | Green = Support 

You can click on any of the bills to see further information including the full text of the bill, which legislators are sponsoring the bill, various actions taken by the legislature, votes taken, and supporting documents.

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