Stop Discrimination Against Nonpublic School Students

The state of Minnesota has for decades made a commitment to all students to fund certain essential services such as nursing, counseling, instructional aids, and busing. But the Governor’s proposed budget eliminates critical funding for students who attend nonpublic schools. This harmful decision unfairly targets families who rely on nonpublic schools that serve their child’s needs. Please act now to stop these harmful proposed cuts.

The Problem:

The Governor’s budget proposal completely cuts nonpublic pupil aid and nonpublic transportation aid – programs that $1,080 per year in lost aid per student for essential services and transportation. This will lead to increased costs for families, likely leading to higher tuition and potentially putting nonpublic education out of reach for many. It will harm low-income and middle-income families who are served by nonpublic schools—schools which are in many cases working overtime to raise money just to keep the budget balanced.

The Solution:

We're calling on legislators to oppose the elimination of nonpublic pupil aid and transportation aid in the Governor's proposed budget. These programs ensure students and families have the resources they need while saving the state money in the long term because those students do not have to transfer to public schools.

What Is Nonpublic Pupil Aid?

Under Minn. Stat. 123B.40, the state commits to providing all students—regardless where they go to school—with access to educational resources like textbooks, testing, nursing services, guidance and mental health counseling, and transportation. Nonpublic pupil aid supports students in nonpublic schools with these essential services to ensure fairness and quality education for all.

Why Is This Important?

  • Equal Access for All Students: Nonpublic pupil aid ensures that every student has access to the tools all students need to thrive, regardless of their school.
  • Support for Families: Cuts to this aid would burden families financially, potentially forcing them to abandon their school of choice.
  • Cost Savings for Taxpayers: Nonpublic schools save the state nearly $500 million annually by educating students outside the public school system. Cutting aid undermines this cost-effective partnership.

Take Action Now

Stand with nonpublic school students and families. Tell your legislators to protect funding for nonpublic pupil aid and transportation aid.

Your voice matters – together, we can protect educational choice for all Minnesota families.

Click here to access and share our informational handout on nonpublic pupil aid with family, friends, and fellow parishioners.  

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