Inside the Capitol
The rosary and the renewal of politics
Posted by Jason Adkins · February 21, 2017 3:00 PM
Exactly one 100 years ago, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to three shepherd children outside of Fatima, Portugal, sharing with them some extraordinary messages and prophecies. But Our Lady of Fatima’s most urgent plea was for repentance — on behalf of ourselves, sinners and entire nations — as well as for people to pray the rosary. In the end, she promised, her Immaculate Heart would triumph.
Activism in Christ
Posted by Jonathan Liedl · February 09, 2017 3:00 PM
The first tumultuous weeks of Donald Trump’s presidency have seen marches, rallies and demonstrations across the country, held in opposition to, or in support of, at least some part of the president’s agenda. Millions have taken part, and the trend shows no sign of stopping. To put it mildly, activism is in the air.
Catholics, it’s time to come to the Capitol
Posted by Jason Adkins · January 24, 2017 3:00 PM
This year, the bishops of Minnesota are hosting an exciting event in St. Paul March 9 called Catholics at the Capitol. With critical issues such as the legalization of assisted suicide and persistent family poverty at stake, Catholics concerned with life and human dignity cannot afford to miss it.
The vocation of the public servant
Posted by Jason Adkins · January 11, 2017 3:00 PM
The 90th session of the Minnesota Legislature began Jan. 3. Dozens of first-term lawmakers are included among its 201 members.
Most come excited with some key priorities based on the issues they believe got them elected. But apart from those two or three main issues, much of the legislative terrain and the substance of many issues will be unfamiliar to new lawmakers, as it continues to be for some veterans.
Immigration debate needs constructive engagement
Posted by Jason Adkins · December 21, 2016 12:30 PM
The debate over immigration policy is inevitably heating up as we prepare for Donald Trump’s inauguration as president. Undoubtedly, an early priority of his presidency will be to increase border security and re-examine President Obama’s immigration enforcement policies.
A healing balm for a wounded nation
Posted by Jason Adkins · November 18, 2016 12:30 PM
Much can and has been said about the most recent election, and much more will be said for years to come. What is undoubtedly true is that the election cycle exacerbated two powerful dynamics in American public life: the constant thirst for change as a reaction to a political system that does not seem to work for average Americans, and deepening vitriolic divisions between people.
Make voting ‘down ballot’ a top priority
Posted by Shawn Peterson · October 26, 2016 12:30 PM
Over the past several months, many faithful Catholics have expressed deep dissatisfaction with this year’s presidential election, and understandably so: Neither major party candidate seems personally guided by a consistent ethic of life, and there are deep, concerning questions about the character of both.
Mother Teresa and conscience formation
Posted by Mary Jane Streiff · September 21, 2016 1:00 PM
During election season, we hear a great deal about “following our consciences” and the need for conscience formation. The U.S. bishops offer their guide to faithful citizenship so that the principles of Catholic social teaching might inform our Election Day decisions, and a number of organizations similarly produce a range of voting guides.
Getting voting right
Posted by Jonathan Liedl · August 19, 2016 12:30 PM
The level of distaste for both major parties’ presidential candidates is at a historic high. In the midst of this discontent, the traces of two distorted approaches to voting have become clear.