Bulletin Inserts and Website Banners for Text ‘Freedom’ Event
On June 21, the U.S. bishops launched a text messaging campaign to provide a new way for people to join the national campaign for religious freedom. Catholics and supporters of religious freedom from all other faiths around the nation now can send the text message “Freedom” to 377377 to join the movement. Texters can then receive information regularly on how to help protect religious freedom worldwide.
Use the bulletins and website banners below to let people know about the text messaging campaign.
Text Message Campaign Bulletin Insert (English)
Text Message Campaign Bulletin Insert (Spanish)
Website Banners:
Please link these website banners to: www.Fortnight4Freedom.org
Size: 150 x 337 Size: 200 x 311 Size: 300 x 257
Size: 150 x 337 Size: 200 x 311 Size: 300 x 257