Fr. Peter Ryan on Catholic Social Doctrine - What is binding vs. matters of prudence?

What is Catholic Social Doctrine? What is conscience binding? What are matters of prudence? And, what are the relevant principles in discerning these matters? We speak with Fr. Peter Ryan a Jesuit priest and professor at Sacred Heart Major Seminary. He also served as Executive Director of the Secretariat of Doctrine and Canonical Affairs at the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

In our Classic Catholic Social Teaching segment, we discuss Pope Saint John Paul II's encyclical Fides et Ratio - Faith and Reason. Listen and learn why the Church teaches that these are not opposite ends of the spectrum but actually complementary.

Then stay tuned for practical ways to engage in politics and to prepare for the election in November. Rachel has tips in our Bridge Builder segment.

And, we leave you with the beautiful voices of the Gregorian Chant Schola of Saint John's Abbey and University singing Tu, puer - You, O Child in honor of St. John the Baptist.

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