Mary Eberstadt on declining family stability and secularism
In today’s podcast we’re talking about the connection between declining family stability and the increasing stronghold of secularism in society. Mary Eberstadt of the Faith and Reason Institute joins us for that conversation.
In our Classic Catholic Social Teaching segment we’re discussing Blessed Archbishop Oscar Romero’s final homily which he finished just moments before being fatally shot in El Salvador on March 24th, 1980. Pope Francis will canonize Archbishop Romero on October 14th.
And, we’re getting close to election day so we’re going to talk about what voters can do to get to know their candidates and how to help your neighbors get to know the candidates as well.
And we finish out with a bit of sacred music from the Gregorian Chant Schola of Saint John’s Abbey and University performing “Vivo autem ego”- “I still Live” in remembrance of St. Francis of Assisi whose feast day is October 4th.