Dr. Charles Camosy on Resisting the Throwaway Culture

We're speaking with Charles Camosy, an associate professor of theology at Fordham University in the Bronx. Dr. Camosy shares a few thoughts from his book "Resisting the Throwaway Culture: How a Consistent Life Ethic Can Unite a Fractured People".

A theme running throughout his work is the fostering of intellectual solidarity between political and ethical approaches which find conversation difficult. A Roman Catholic anthropology which refuses to choose to between individually- and communally-construed understandings of personal dignity is particularly important in this regard.

We'll also be discussing in our mailbag segment a Minnesota lawsuit that threatens to get rid of health and safety protections for women seeking an abortion.

Plus, what can you do to make your voice heard to your legislators? We tackle that question in our bricklayer segment - giving you the tools to build a bridge between faith and politics.

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