
“A true education aims at the formation of the human person in the pursuit of his ultimate end, and of the good of the societies of which he is a member and in whose obligations he will share.”

– Pope Paul VI, Gravissimum Educationis

Humans strive for heaven by being part of social communities on earth. Understanding one’s cultural heritage and making contributions to the common good are the responsibilities of any good citizen. Therefore, education is an inalienable human right, insofar as it is the process of preparing children to pursue salvation and contribute to the good of their earthly community. Parents have the duty of being the primary educators of their kids. Because of this serious responsibility, they have a right to great liberty in shaping the education of their children. While other institutions, including public schools, may share in the responsibility of educating a child, they do so with the implicit permission of a child’s parents, and should never supersede or marginalize parents in the education process.

We support public policies that support the role of Catholic schools and other non-public education institutions in Minnesota, and that affirm the rights of all parents to choose schools that best fit the educational needs of their children. We advocate for the equitable participation of non-public school students in state and federal education programs.


Current Issues:

Below are the major issues on which we are currently active, but to understand the breadth of our work, visit our legislative statements & testimony page. Click the buttons below to find issue-specific resources.

Non-Public Pupil Aid

School Choice


Key Resources: 

Opportunity for All Kids (OAK)
School Choice Week


Bills MCC is Tracking:

There are thousands of bills introduced during the legislative session every year. These are the education bills for which the Minnesota Catholic Conference has taken a position. 

Red = Oppose | Green = Support | Gray = Monitoring or Seeking Amendment 

You can click on any of the bills to see further information including the full text of the bill, which legislators are sponsoring the bill, various actions taken by the legislature, votes taken, and supporting documents.

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