Forming Faithful Citizens

We are all called to be “faithful citizens” and participants in the democratic process.  

You are here because you've been identified as a key leader who can help Catholics to answer the call to participate in public life!

Though we are foremost citizens of the heavenly city, we work to draw up the things of this world (“the city of man”) into the present reality of the City of God and transform them for its purposes—including political life, where our goal is to create the conditions for human flourishing and remove the barriers that stand in the way of our pursuit of eternal beatitude.

And yet, too many Catholics shy away from political participation or consider it limited to voting. This cannot stand in light of so many important issues impacting the common good. We can complain about the state of political life, or we can, as we are called, impregnate it with the Gospel. The question is how we help Catholics answer the call to faithful citizenship, both in their community and in collaboration with the Minnesota Catholic Conference, the office tasked with bringing the bishops’ advocacy goals to the Capitol. In the spirit of synodality, we are convening this gathering to listen, pray, and discuss this important matter.

By convening a broad cross-section of local Catholics, we can foster a greater understanding of how best to engage Catholics to answer the call to participate in public life. We need to find practical ways to apply our faith to serve others so that we can grow in our missionary discipleship.

We hope our convening will also equip and inspire you to make stronger connections between the public policy side of MCC’s advocacy work and the practical side of implementing those ideas in your own community. 

Undoubtedly, politics is sometimes hard; but if it were not, it would not be one of the highest forms of charity.  The cost is sometimes great, but the protection of human dignity and the promotion of the common good make it an imperative.


September 07, 2022 at 9:00am - 2pm


St. John the Baptist Church
835 2nd Ave NW
New Brighton, MN 55112
United States
Google map and directions


Lynn Varco ·

Will you come?

or Text FAITHFULCITIZENS to +16519987165 to RSVP