Dr. Andrew Jones on What History can Teach Us About How the Church can Engage with Liberal Democracy

In today’s episode, we’re talking about the Church and the State and what history can teach us about how the Church can engage with liberal democracy. We're speaking with Dr. Andrew Jones of the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology and author of "Before Church and State" and "The Two Cities: A history of Christian Politics." See below for links to his books including a coupon code to use for ordering the book!

In our mailbag segment, we answer a question about what happens at the Capitol in the final days and hours before the regular session comes to an end.

And of course, we want to leave you with some practical tips on how you can start to put your faith into action. In our bricklayer segment, we discuss what the most effective thing is that you can do before the session ends on Monday to make sure your legislators hear you.

Related links:

Order Dr. Jones' books: stpaulcenter.com/item-authors/and…w-willard-jones/

Coupon Code for 25% of "Before Church and State": BRIDGEBUILDER (all one word - enter during checkout)

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