Kicking Off 2025 with Key Legislative Priorities

The 2025 Minnesota legislative session has begun under unprecedented circumstances. In the Senate, a 33-33 tie following the death of Senator Kari Dziedzic has led to a temporary power-sharing agreement between Democrats and Republicans. Meanwhile, the House is facing gridlock. What began as a 67-67 tie has shifted to a narrow 67-66 Republican majority, after one DFL candidate was disqualified for not living in the district he sought to represent. With DFL members boycotting proceedings and pending litigation before the Minnesota Supreme Court, it is uncertain when normal legislative operations will resume in the House.

While political dynamics may change, the Minnesota Catholic Conference (MCC) remains steadfast in its principles. Regardless of who holds power, our mission to advocate for the common good and promote policies that support life, family, and human dignity remains unchanged.

Here are some of the key issues we will focus on this session:

Promoting Family Economic Security

Last biennium, we helped pass a nation-leading Child Tax Credit that eased financial burdens for low- and middle-income families. This year, we’re advocating to expand the credit by raising the income phaseout threshold to $45,000 for joint filers, ensuring more families benefit. Additionally, we support a sales tax exemption on essential baby items, providing meaningful relief for growing families. These policies prioritize family life and address the rising costs facing parents today.

Opposing Online Sports Gambling

Minnesota legislators are once again considering legalizing online sports gambling. While 40 other states have already done so, we remain deeply concerned about the societal harm it causes. Legalized online gambling would effectively put a bookie in everyone’s pocket, fostering addiction, economic hardship, and family fragmentation. Young people, especially young men, are particularly vulnerable to these harms. Thus, MCC will work to ensure this dangerous policy does not advance.

Opposing Commercial Surrogacy

The push to legalize commercial surrogacy—a practice that commodifies children and exploits women—has been ongoing at the Capitol. Last year, it narrowly passed in the House. This year, we will continue to oppose any efforts to legalize the buying and selling of children. Women are not for rent, and children are not for sale.

Protecting Non-Public Pupil Aid

Non-public schools educate the Minnesota public. In fact, private schools serve nearly 100,000 Minnesota students each year. Therefore, the education of these children should be supported by our state’s public education dollars. With non-public pupil aid at risk of being cut from the governor’s budget, MCC is committed to ensuring that Minnesota kids at non-public schools receive the aid and support they deserve.

Opposing Assisted Suicide

Legalizing assisted suicide endangers vulnerable populations, undermines the dignity of life, and shifts focus away from true compassionate care. MCC is committed to opposing any efforts to normalize or legalize this practice and instead advocates for expanding access to palliative care that honors the inherent worth of every person.

Those are just a few of the many topics MCC will address this session. Our advocacy relies on the support of Catholics in the pews, and together, we can make a difference. Visit to join the Catholic Advocacy Network and to learn more about these issues.

Let us pray for wisdom for our legislators and for God’s guidance as we work to advance the common good in Minnesota.

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