MCC in the Media

The Central Minnesota Catholic: Bishop Neary, other Minnesota bishops meet with legislators, governor
Bishop Patrick Neary, C.S.C., joined Minnesota’s other bishops and staff of the Minnesota Catholic Conference at the State Capitol March ...
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AP: Minnesota moves to strengthen status as ‘trans refuge state’
ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) — The Minnesota House was moving Thursday toward strengthening the state’s protections for children and their famili...
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National Catholic Register: Jesus at the Minnesota Capitol: Eucharist Adored at State Building
Amid the busyness of a state capitol that addresses crucial questions on life and the unborn, Catholics gather to pray because ‘we have t...
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Minnesota Senate Republican Caucus: Senator Rasmusson successfully amends bills moving through the committee process
Despite being in the minority party, Senator Jordan Rasmusson (R-Fergus Falls) has been successful in amending bills as they move through...
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Red Lake Nation News: Minnesotans of all Backgrounds Testify in Support of Passing Earned Sick & Safe Time Statewide
St. Paul, Minnesota — On Monday afternoon, the Minnesota Senate Human Services Committee held a hearing on the Earned Sick and Safe Time ...
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The Catholic Spirit: United for Life rally at State Capitol draws hundreds; many pay visits to lawmakers
Chants of “United” followed by “for Life” echoed in the State Capitol Feb. 28 in St. Paul as nearly 700 pro-life advocates gathered in th...
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Catholic Spirit: Minnesota Senate passes ‘driver’s licenses for all bill
Undocumented immigrants would be able to obtain driver’s licenses in Minnesota without having to show proof of citizenship under a bill t...
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Minnesota Reformer: Minnesota can shrink childhood poverty by creating a child tax credit
Powerful… dramatic… unprecedented… those are a few of the words used to describe the impact of the expanded federal Child Tax Credit (CTC...
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The Central Minnesota Catholic: Pro-life advocacy day to feature meetings with legislators, educational opportunities
On Feb. 28, pro-life Minnesotans from across the state will gather at the State Capitol for the first-ever “United for Life” advocacy day...
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