MCC in the Media

WCCO Radio: A large coalition is uniting to oppose proposed Marijuana bill at the State Legislature.
Ryan Hamilton, Government Relations Associate for the Minnesota Catholic Conference joined Vineeta Sawkar to discuss why the church and o...
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Minnesota Reformer: Give driver’s licenses to Minnesota’s undocumented residents, advocates say
Newly energized by the Democratic trifecta, a coalition named “Driver’s Licenses for All 2023” called on state lawmakers Tuesday to pass ...
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The Central Minnesota Catholic: ‘Families First’ Project, marijuana, abortion at heart of MCC’s legislative focus
With the start of the 2023 Minnesota legislative session Jan. 3, the Minnesota Catholic Conference, the official public policy voice of t...
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National Catholic Register: What Will the US Bishops’ Post-Roe Pro-Life Advocacy Look Like?
If discussing their post-Roe strategy for supporting women and children hadn’t already been on the U.S. bishops’ agenda for the U.S. Conf...
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Joyful Catholic Leaders Show: Catholicism and Politics in 2022
Jason Adkins, executive director of the Minnesota Catholic Conference joined The Saint Paul Seminary for their monthly podcast, "Joyful C...
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Real Presence Radio: The importance of the election in Minnesota and the Catholic response
Jason Adkins, executive director of the Minnesota catholic Conference, discusses the importance of election for Minnesota, and the Cathol...
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The Catholic Spirit: As elections near, Catholics called to practice faithful citizenship
American Catholics have a dual heritage, said Ryan Hamilton, government relations associate for the Minnesota Catholic Conference, the pu...
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The Catholic Spirit: MOMS group fights against Ramsey County abortion ruling
It’s a busy time of year for St. Paul residents Susan and John Neuville, parents of five children, including two teenage girls. As the sc...
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The Catholic Spirit: MCC starts campaign to build Civilization of Love by putting Families First
Encouraging Catholics to lead the way and inspire others to join the effort, the Minnesota Catholic Conference, the public policy arm of ...
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