Practicing Catholic: Living in a Post-Roe World (with Maggee Becker)

Maggee Becker talks with Practicing Catholic about the new pro-life landscape and what we can do here in Minnesota to make a difference. 

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Work to make abortion ‘unthinkable in our state’

As policy associate at Minnesota Catholic Conference, part of Maggee Becker’s role is pro-life advocacy — lobbying, building relationships and partnerships with people in the pro-life movement and like-minded organizations.

“The abortion issue and pro-life movement is definitely not a quiet one, especially right now,” she said. But it’s of great comfort, she said, to know that “we’re on the side of truth and that we have God as our guide.” With God and great partners, Becker said, “we’re able to strategize and work together to make abortion unthinkable in our state.”

Becker recently joined “Practicing Catholic” radio show host Patrick Conley to discuss the overturning of Roe v. Wade and what it means in the state of Minnesota. A U.S. Supreme Court ruling June 24 moved the issue to state and federal legislators to decide, but the Minnesota Supreme Court’s 1995 ruling in Doe v. Gomez affirmed a woman’s constitutional right to abortion in Minnesota, so on the constitutional level, “nothing changes here,” Becker said.


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