The Catholic Spirit: MCC’s First Friday Adoration brings Jesus to State Capitol

Lois Freeman walked to the basement of the State Capitol building in St. Paul Jan. 3 with a friend and entered a room with the Eucharist in a monstrance. She knelt down and began a Holy Hour of adoration. She was joined by a handful of others in an event sponsored by the Minnesota Catholic Conference called First Friday Adoration. It began in 2023 and continues this year on the first Friday of every month through May.

“It’s a privilege to be able to come and pray for our government here in Minnesota and nationally,” said Freeman, a parishioner of the Cathedral of St. Paul in St. Paul. She has come “quite a few times” to the monthly prayer gatherings and this time brought someone who was attending for the first time.

The two women represent the growth in participation that has occurred since the first gathering at the Capitol featuring the Eucharist in 2023. The MCC’s Jason Adkins, who serves as executive director, said, “The response has been overwhelmingly positive. … The turnout has been deeply encouraging, as it reflects a real hunger for prayer and a desire to bring faith into the heart of our state’s policymaking.”

Adkins said these prayer events, which take place from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., fall in line with Church teaching and with what bishops in the U.S. are doing. 


Adkins said Minnesota is the only state in the country offering regular adoration inside its Capitol building, though other states have been inspired by what’s happening in Minnesota and are beginning to offer adoration at their Capitol buildings. He added that there was no difficulty and gaining permission to have such an event, as it is “a peaceful and meaningful exercise of religious freedom.”

He said gathering at the Capitol for adoration is “a testament to the profound belief that Christ’s Real Presence can transform hearts and minds, including those of our elected officials,” Adkins said. “Through prayer and adoration, we intercede for our legislators and ask for God’s guidance in their work. We believe these prayers make a tangible difference, not only in the lives of our leaders but also in the direction of our state.”

Read the full article from The Catholic Spirit.

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