Catholic Vote: MN Catholic Conference shares resources on how to vote with a Catholic conscience

Studying Church guidance on the dignity of the human person and Catholic social teaching are among the ways Catholics should form their consciences as they prepare to vote, according to a recent article by the Minnesota Catholic Conference (MCC).

In the August 19 article published in The Catholic Spirit, the MCC stated that it is “essential” for Catholic voters to consider the framework of Catholic social teaching (CST), which focuses on building a society that is just. 

CST “is not a set of ready-made policy prescriptions, but more like a mental model to help see and discern with the mind of the Church,” the MCC explained, later adding that CST “reflects” the principles found in the Gospel such as loving one’s neighbor and promoting the common good. 


The MCC staff also created a summary resource, called “On Human Dignity,” of a Declaration the Vatican’s Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith released, called “Dignitatis Infinita.” 

The summary created by the MCC staff “offers valuable insights into how contemporary issues — such as abortion, war, poverty, assisted suicide and gender — relate to the concept of human dignity,” the MCC stated. “We urge Catholics to study this declaration and apply its teachings as they evaluate candidates and issues on the ballot.”

Additionally, parishes and Church organizations can refer to the MCC’s guidelines on political activities to ensure they stay within the boundaries allowed for non-partisan organization entities. These guidelines are among the resources the MCC compiled that can be found here

Read the full article from Catholic Vote.

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