Dr. Eitan Hersh on Moving Beyond Political Hobbyism, Taking Action, and Making Real Change

In today’s episode, we’re discussing the concept of political hobbyism – what that means, why it is fueling division in our society, and how we can begin to truly engage in politics instead of just talking about politics.

Our guest, Dr. Eitan Hersh is an associate professor in the political science department at Tufts University in Massachusetts where he focuses on American politics, civic participation, voting rights, elections, and political behavior. His book, "Politics is for Power: How to Move Beyond Political Hobbyism, Take Action, and Make Real Change" was published in January 2020 by Scribner.

In our mailbag segment, we answer a question regarding "Abortion Provider Appreciation Day" in the Twin Cities and what Catholics can do in response.

In our bricklayer segment, we give you resources for marking the 50th anniversary of Earth Day in a way that provides a deeper understanding of the Church's teachings on integral ecology and taking care of all of God's creation.

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