2014 Restore the Vote Door Knocking Event

Restore the Vote Rally and Door-Knocking Event

Saturday, September 20, 2014

10:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Two locations

  • Neighborhoods Organizing for Change (911 West Broadway Ave., Minneapolis, MN)
  • Eastside of St. Paul (Hope Lutheran Church, 1340 Hazel St. N, St Paul, MN  55119)

More information

The Minnesota Catholic Conference is part of the campaign Restore the Vote Minnesota.

The campaign will be hosting a rally and door knock on Saturday, Sept 20th in Minneapolis and St. Paul. We hope you can join us for this event so we can begin building a groundswell of support on this important issue.

We will be knocking on doors in North Minneapolis and on the Eastside of St. Paul to talk with voters about the campaign, ask them to fill out action post cards that will be sent to their legislators and the Governor, and to register people to vote.

  • North Minneapolis Restore the Vote Rally & Door Knock
  • Saint Paul Eastside Restore the Vote Rally & Door Knock


September 20, 2014 at 10:30am - 3pm