Jason Bedrick on the Rhetoric of School Choice Opponents & The Benefits of School Choice Programs
This week we speak with Jason Bedrick, Director of Policy at EdChoice a non-profit committed to understanding and pursuing a K–12 education system that empowers every family to choose the schooling environment that fits their children’s needs best. We're speaking with him about a recent report he authored, "Who's afraid of school choice?" It examines some of the false rhetoric that school choice opponents make and compares it with the actual outcomes of school choice programs across the country.
This week's action item: Check out our partners at Opportunity for All Kids (OAK) to learn more about school choice efforts in Minnesota and how you can help advocate for parents and students to have real educational choices.
OAK: opportunityforallkids.org/
School Choice Report:www.edchoice.org/wp-content/uploa…Ed-Tarnowski.pdf
EdChoice: www.edchoice.org/