Take Action! Five Ways to Support Marriage Between Now and November 6th
As we get closer to the election (November 6), the Minnesota Catholic Conference would like to share some important ways you and your family can support marriage.
We’re asking for your help, to participate in as many of the following activities as possible, between now and November 6.
Archdiocesan Candlelight Rosary Procession with Danielle Rose – Friday, October 5
Gathering at the State Capitol ~ 6:00 p.m.
Procession begins ~ 7:00 p.m.
Canada Day – Monday, October 8
Join us for a series of panel discussions: “What the Future Looks Like if Marriage in Minnesota is Redefined—A Canadian Perspective,” with the Most Rev. Terrence Prendergast, Archbishop of Ottawa, Ontario and other Canadians who will discuss the harrowing impact marriage redefinition has had on Canadians, especially Catholics.
From 9:30 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.
University of St. Thomas Law School Atrium
1000 LaSalle Ave., Minneapolis, MN
RSVP is REQUIRED to attend this important and informative event. To RSVP and/or ask questions, please email [email protected].
Volunteer to phone bank, help “Get out the vote,” make a donation
Minnesota for Marriage is a pro-marriage amendment campaign created by a diverse coalition of faith and non-faith based leaders and groups to pass the marriage amendment.
Volunteers are needed to staff phone banks at the Minnesota for Marriage office and other locations. It’s very easy, and no debate skills are required! The coalition also needs help in the coming weeks for our “Get out the vote” effort, which will include everything from voter registration to canvassing neighborhoods and going door-to-door.
- To volunteer, visit the Minnesota for Marriage website (www.minnesotaformarriage.com) or call (612) 788-4675.
- To donate, click here: https://donate.minnesotaformarriage.com/contribute.php.
Be sure you understand what marriage is in the public square and how to explain the Church’s involvement in this important social issue. Pray for the courage to talk to a loved one or neighbor who may misunderstand the issue. Read our Unique for a Reason: Why Marriage Matters blog to help you find ways to articulate what the Church is and isn’t saying about marriage, and our brothers and sisters with same-sex attraction:
- Responding to Common Accusations and Fallacies
- To My “Catholic Voting No” Neighbor
- Just “Live and Let Live”: A Conversation
5. VOTE YES – Get to the polls on November 6!
The Minnesota Marriage Protection Amendment reads:
Shall the Minnesota constitution be amended to provide that only a union of one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as a marriage in Minnesota?
Spread the word to VOTE YES. And remember, a non-vote is counted as a “no” vote!
Thank you for your support. In Him all things are possible. We look forward to seeing you over the next few weeks!