Turning Our Gaze to Christ Event

Presented by the Diocese of Winona

June 22-23, 2012 (Schedule below)

St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church
11 Fourth Avenue SW
Rochester, MN 55902

A major diocesan gathering to promote a “new evangelization” in the Church, and to respond to Pope Benedict’s call to “be joyful witnesses of the transforming power of the Gospel!”

Speakers include: Janet Smith, PH.D., Leah Darrow, Martha Fernández-Sardina, Fr. Leo Patalinghug

Registration now open online at www.dow.org.


Friday, June 22, 2012 (afternoon – evening):

  • 12:00pm – 5:00pm Registration begins followed by ore-conference session on promoting marriage & family life and theology of the body (Adult & Youth tracks) featuring Dr. Janet Smith, Leah Darrow, and Raymond de Souza.
  • 8:30pm Concert in the evening at Saint John the Evangelist Church with Catholic singer and songwriter, Sarah Hart, followed by a Holy Hour.

Saturday, June 23, 2012 (morning – evening):

  • 8:00am Celebration of the Eucharist at St. John’s Church
  • 9:00am Procession of the Blessed Sacrament to the Mayo Civic Center
  • 10:00am General Sessions (2 in the AM & 2 in the PM) featuring Dr. Smith, Martha Fernández-Sardina, Fr. Leo Patalinghug and Leah Darrow.
  • 6:30pm Outdoor “Concert in the Park” featuring Sarah Hart and the Celtic/pop-rock flavored music of the band, Ceili Rain!

Other attractions and activities:

  • Celebration of the Sacrament of Penance
  • Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
  • Spanish-language track / Youth track / Children’s programming
  • Youth and Kid Zone
  •  Informational booths
  • Art Exhibitions


For more details, visit http://www.dow.org/SUMMEREVENT.aspx


June 22, 2012 at 3:00pm - June 24, 2012