What do we do after the election?
Now that the election is over, many of you are asking, “Now what?”
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops makes it clear that “responsible citizenship is a virtue and participation in political life is a moral obligation.” (USCCB, Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship,13)
The obligation to engage in the public square is both a Catholic and American mandate. Our representative republic calls us into active ongoing relationships with our elected officials. Participation drives our system, which means important decisions are left to those who show up. One may not like that the political process requires ongoing effort to build the common good, but that’s the system (“a government of, by, and for the people”) we have. It is why the Church calls us to “faithful citizenship.”
We have many newly elected officials who have been entrusted to fashion the public policies that impact our daily lives. Each needs to receive the Good News and our counsel on legislation. By bringing them the Good News and providing our counsel on legislation, they’ll be better equipped to uphold life, dignity, and the common good. By building communication, we help them make informed votes and good laws.
One easy way to begin building these relationships is to become a member of our Catholic Advocacy Network (CAN). As a CAN member, you can communicate with your elected officials via email, phone, or even recording a video with a single click. If you are not a CAN member yet, go to MNCatholic.org/join.
Our work as faithful citizens must be led by prayer – Ora et Labora. This is not just a practice for Benedictine monks, but all Catholics. So, the Minnesota Catholic Conference invites you to join our staff for Adoration at the Capitol.
Join us each first Friday of the month from January to May any time from 9 A.M. – 3 P.M. in the Governor’s Dining Room located on the lower level of the Minnesota State Capitol. Note that in April, Adoration will take place on April 14th due to Good Friday. By bringing Christ to the Capitol, we can together pray for our elected officials at their place of work.
We are also excited to announce that the great formation and opportunities to meet your legislators that you’ve had through our Catholics at the Capitol events will now be available every week during session!
No longer do you have to wait for one event that consumes an entire day and may not work in your schedule. Instead, you, your friends, family, fellow parishioners, or classmates can join us at our new office next door to the Capitol any Thursday (except Holy Week) at 10:00 AM (January through May). We will equip you to successfully advocate for policies that we’re working on before visiting the Capitol and your legislators. All in about an hour!
You are welcome to park for free at our office – 525 Park Street – for Adoration or Catholics at the Capitol. We encourage you to RSVP for the Catholics at the Capitol events so we can set up meetings with your legislators and personalize your visit. Head to MNCatholic.org/events for details and to RSVP. There you will also find information for First Friday Adoration.