Written Testimony of Mr. Jason Adkins, Esq. in Support of H.F. 2078 - Nonprofit Security Grant Program

Testimony of Mr. Jason Adkins
House Public Safety Committee
Nonprofit Security Grants
H.F. 2078 (Edelson)
March 21, 2023

PDF Version

Chair Moller and Members of the Committee:

We write in support of H.F. 2078 (Edelson), the supplemental nonprofit security grant program. We are glad to stand in support of the program with our brothers and sisters in the Jewish community and, indeed, people of all faiths, as well as the nonprofits who are building up the social capital in our communities.

We know from some statistics Minnesota ranks ninth in the country for the number of antisemitic incidents, which is deeply concerning. [1] In fact, antisemitic incidents tripled in Minnesota from 2021 to 2022, [2] and at least sixty percent of anti-religious incidents around the country target the Jewish community. [3]

Less well known than some of the incidents occurring at synagogues, mosques, and other places of worship, such as the mass shooting at the Sikh community center in Oak Creek Wisconsin, are 249 incidents of arson, vandalism, or destruction that have occurred in Catholic churches since May 2020. [4] This is an enormous increase in just the past few years.

Bigotry knows no boundaries and is not relegated to any one side of the political spectrum. And it appears to be growing against people of faith. The grant, therefore, represents an urgent and needed public safety investment.

One might argue that nonprofits, churches, and other groups should be using their own resources for these expenditures. In fact, they already do, but what this grant reflects the state’s commitment to protecting vulnerable people, especially when they are praying and worshipping. As an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, this is also an important means of protecting people and saving lives in spaces that have a higher likelihood of being targeted for mass violence and destruction.

Thank you very much for your consideration, please pass this appropriation.


[1] https://bringmethenews.com/minnesota-news/audit-antisemitic-incidents-rose-226-in-minnesota-last-year
[2] https://www.mprnews.org/story/2022/04/27/antisemitic-incidents-reported-in-minnesota-tripled-last-year
[3] https://www.justice.gov/crs/highlights/2020-hate-crimes-statistics
[4] https://www.usccb.org/committees/religious-liberty/Backgrounder-Attacks-on-Catholic-Churches-in-US

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