State Senate: Oppose the PRO Act

The PRO Act on a fast track through the MN Legislature

Urge your Senator to resist the throwaway culture and vote NO on the protect reproductive options act (S.F. 1 McEwen). It has already passed the MN House, and is heading to the Senate soon!

This bill goes farther than just "codifying Roe," and instead works to enshrine into law an abortion regime that disregards prenatal human life, even the life of a pre-born child whose heart is beating, who can feel pain, and who is viable outside the womb. 

Beyond abortion, the bill directs state courts to protect the “fundamental right” to reproductive freedom, regardless of the wisdom or ethics of those technologies or procedures. This element has gone unnoticed by many observers and legislators, but its impact could be enormous:

Likely outcomes:

  • Minor children will be able to be sterilized without parental consent or notice
  • Beyond what is already permissible, minors will be able to receive hormonal contraceptives, medical treatments, and sex-transition therapies without parental consent
  • New lawsuits in the courts related to the scope of this fundamental right at the intersection of bioethics and new reproductive and fertility treatments
  • Infringement on the conscience and religious liberty rights of individual and institutional medical providers who do not wish to provide these treatments

Potential outcomes:

  • Taxpayer-funded reproductive healthcare for low-income persons
  • Mandated insurance coverage of a broad scope of reproductive healthcare, even for religiously affiliated employers
  • Judicial recognition of surrogacy contracts, effectively legalizing the industry in Minnesota
  • And more (see Teresa Collett memo)

What MCC has done so far:

  • Minnesota's Bishops sent a letter to all members of the legislature, urging them to reconsider their position on this bill and vote no. LETTER.

  • Bishop Chad Zielinski of the Diocese of New Ulm testified before the Senate Health and Human Services committee to share our opposition: WATCH.

  • Maggee Hangge and Jason Adkins have submitted testimony to the House Health Finance and Policy Committee explaining the reasons why this bill is unnecessary and out of step with the world of this bill: TESTIMONY.

  • Jason Adkins has submitted testimony to the House Judiciary Finance and Civil Law Committee and the Senate Judiciary and Public Safety Committee explaining the unintended consequences and legal implications of this bill.

  • We are collaborating on a postcard campaign with select parishes from around the state, asking them to encourage their legislators to vote pro-life. 

Now we need YOUR voice to stop this bill. 

The PRO Act is a direct attack on life:

The Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC 2258) states "Human life is sacred because from its beginning it involves the creative action of God and it remains for ever in a special relationship with the Creator, who is its sole end. God alone is the Lord of life from its beginning until its end: no one can under any circumstance claim for himself the right directly to destroy an innocent human being."

Act Now:

Encourage your legislator to protect our state’s common good by taking a stand against the PRO Act!

If you have...

One Minute: Send a message to your State Senator urging them to protect women and their unborn children from the PRO Act.

Three Minutes: After sending your elected officials a quick email, take another minute to call their office or send a video message. A suggested script and talking points will show up on your device. Legislators do not often get calls from their constituents, so a follow-up call or video will greatly increase your impact and further build your relationship.

More Time: Join us for our pro-life advocacy day, United for Life on February 28! This first-ever event will bring together pro-life organizations and individuals from across the state to make one common voice heard at the Capitol in support for life and the unborn! You can find more information and get your *free* tickets at

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