Bill Jacobs On Saint Kateri, Integral Ecology, And Our Common Home
In today’s episode we’re talking about stewarding God’s creation and diving into the concept of integral ecology ahead of the upcoming World Day of Care for Creation on September 1st. We are joined by Bill Jacobs, Founder and Executive Director of the Saint Kateri Conservation Center. In his day job, Bill is the co-founder and program manager of the Long Island Invasive Species Management Area. Bill also served as an interim director of the Saint Kateri National Shrine and Historic Site in New York. Bill holds a Master of Science degree in forest resources management.
In our mailbag segment we’re covering a question about what parishes can do in order to help Catholics prepare for the election.
And stick around for the bricklayer segment we have a guide that you can use to begin to put into action our call to be stewards of all of God’s Creation.
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