Alejandra Chavez Rivas On DACA And Immigration

In this episode, we speak with Alejandra Chavez Rivas, a Minnesota mom and DACA recipient, about her own journey with the immigration system and what’s being done here in Minnesota to try to provide immigrants with access to some of the basic needs to provide for their families. Alejandra is a Catholic mom and a parishioner here in the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis and is a recent graduate of the University of St. Thomas with her bachelor’s in Catholic Studies and business.

In our mailbag segment, we answer a question about a bill in Minnesota that would legalize recreational marijuana use.

And of course, we want to leave you with some practical tips on how you can start to put your faith into action. In our bricklayer segment, how you can help push vaccine companies to stop using cells from abortions.

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