Day 1: Religious Liberty

Day 1 - Religious liberty

Religious liberty is our first and most cherished freedom. It is rooted in the very dignity of the human person, a fundamental human right that knows no geographical boundaries.

But religious liberty is threatened in America. Individuals and faith-based organizations face increasing legal pressure to abandon their convictions as a requirement for full participation in society; the poor and vulnerable, whom they serve, suffer as a result. Now more than ever, we need leaders who recognize the importance of religious liberty and will take steps to protect it.


Heavenly Father, you created us to love and serve you in everything we do. Please help us support candidates who will protect the rights of citizens to worship and fully practice their faith. Amen.

Discernment Questions

  • Where does the candidate stand on the right of religious institutions to operate and serve the general public in a manner consistent with the organization’s faith-based mission?
  • Where does the candidate stand on the right of individuals to live their faith in their school, place of employment, or business?
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