Guiding Principles for Catholic Schools and Religious Education Concerning Human Sexuality and Sexual Identity
The “Guiding Principles for Catholic Schools and Religious Education Concerning Human Sexuality and Sexual Identity” were enumerated to provide a measure of clarity on questions of sexual identity that are emerging in Catholic parishes, schools, and ministries, as well as in the wider society.
They are the shared principles of the Catholic bishops of Minnesota, and although they are not specific binding policies or directives, they will, through dialogue and discernment, guide the development of the relevant policies and resources at the local and diocesan level necessary to address concrete situations.
Questions about their content and application should be directed to individual dioceses.
The Guiding Principles accompany a prior resource, the model MCC anti-bullying policy, adopted in 2014. Catholic schools and parishes work to ensure the dignity of every person is respected. Recognizing that each person is created in the image and likeness of God is the surest way to ensure that dignity is respected and safe environments are fostered.
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