Inside The Capitol - 7/3/2018 Bishop Cozzens Addresses Immigration Policies
Bishop Andrew Cozzens joins his voice with other MN faith leaders and legislators to stand in solidarity with immigrants and to call for ...
Continue reading…Bishop Andrew Cozzens Addresses Immigration
"This crisis in families shows that we need lawmakers to come together to provide a comprehensive solution for immigration that not only ...
Continue reading…Inside the Capitol - Legislative Session Wrap (Episode 9 6.5.18)
The legislature is out for the summer, so what was accomplished this year? From human trafficking and pornography, to housing bonds, gamb...
Continue reading…Inside the Capitol - Human Trafficking & Pornography Connection Bill Heads to Governor Dayton
In this week's Inside the Capitol a bill that would collect information on the connections between pornography and human trafficking pass...
Continue reading…Inside the Capitol - What Do Lobbyists Do? (Episode 10 - 05.18.18)
In this week's edition of Inside the Capitol we answer the question, "What do lobbyists do?" and help dispel some of the negative connota...
Continue reading…Inside the Capitol - Tax Bill (Episode 9 05.04.2018)
In this week's Inside the Capitol, we tackle the topic everyone loves to hate - taxes! Following major tax changes on the federal level, ...
Continue reading…Bishop Sirba on Opioids
Bishop Paul Sirba of Duluth talks about the Opioid epidemic in Minnesota following a meeting with legislative leaders and Governor Mark D...
Continue reading…Inside The Capitol: Affordable Housing (Episode 6 - 4.13.18)
In this week's episode of Inside the Capitol the legislature returns to session following the Easter break. Before session wraps up in Ma...
Continue reading…The First Amendment: Separation of Church & State
During Thomson Reuters recent Civic Engagement Seminar Jason Adkins, Executive Director of the Minnesota Catholic Conference, answers que...
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