2017 Fortnight for Freedom

The Fortnight for Freedom is a period of time when dioceses around the country arrange special events surrounding the topic of religious freedom. It begins on June 21, the vigil of the feasts of Saint Thomas More and Saint John Fisher, and concludes on July 4, Independence Day. During these fourteen days, dioceses direct the faithful’s attention to the importance of religious freedom through prayer and education, while also providing opportunities to take action.

This year’s theme is “Freedom for Mission.” The term, mission, includes all acts and services that Catholics engage in, such as healthcare, education, and political advocacy, to name a few. Mission is a natural outpouring of a person’s love for God, and the freedom to perform these acts is essential to live as a member of the faithful within society.

Click here to sign-up for the USCCB’s Free to Serve monthly eNewsletter *


Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis

Pray the Rosary for the Archdiocese
Monday, June 26, 12:45 PM
Providence Academy, Plymouth

Faith and Freedom: Grandparents and Grandchildren Pray at the Cathedral 

Tuesday, June 27, 1:00-3:00 PM
Cathedral of St. Paul, St. Paul
Registration requested

Religious Freedom and the Mission of the Catholic Church 

Presented by Father Daniel Griffith
Thursday, June 29, 7:00 PM
Church of St. Paul, Ham Lake

Diocese of New Ulm

Fortnight for Freedom 2017 – Opening Mass

Wednesday, June 21, 7:00 AM
Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, New Ulm

Fortnight for Freedom 2017 – Closing Mass

Tuesday, July 4, 8:00 AM
Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, New Ulm

Diocese of St. Cloud

Fortnight for Freedom Holy Hour

Monday, June 26, 7:00-8:00 PM
St. Mary’s Cathedral, St. Cloud


A Short Guide for Talking about Religious Freedom
How to Talk about Religious Freedom

A Statement on Religious Liberty
Our First, Most Cherished Liberty

Fortnight for Freedom Prayer and Liturgical Resources

Pray, Reflect, Act Series


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