Federal Immigration Reform
The immigration system of the United States is broken. On the one hand, security at our borders is inadequate and porous, representing a failure of our nation to regulate migration, protect its citizens, and enforce its own laws. On the other hand, U.S. immigration policies have utterly failed to adequately respond to the rights of migrants, many of whom are fleeing violence and destitution.
What is needed is comprehensive immigration reform at the federal level. The USCCB supported a proposal in 2014 that would’ve created a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants (which included fines and required civics education), secured our borders, and made changes in our immigration system to prioritize family unification and humanitarian relief. The measure ultimately failed, but MCC continues to support comprehensive federal immigration reform.
We work with the USCCB’s Justice for Immigrants (JFI) to monitor and advocate for just immigration reform.