Minnesota Religious Freedom Forum event in St. Paul, MN
Minnesota Religious Freedom Forum
Practical legal information for honoring faith and conscience
October 24, 2013
9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
St.Paul RiverCentre
175 W. Kellogg Blvd.
St. Paul, MN 55102
Learn practical legal information from legal experts to help people of faith understand how to exercise their religious liberties in a society where government policy or public opinion often contradict sincere religious beliefs.
Religious freedom is a foundational liberty in American society, yet it is often taken for granted.
Join clergy, religious non-profit leaders, small business owners, legal and other licensed professionals, individual employees, educators, and other concerned Minnesotans, to learn about emerging threats to religious liberty in Minnesota and beyond.
General session and afternoon workshops will help you answer questions such as:
- How can I protect my religious liberty under new “marriage” and “anti-discrimination” laws?
- Am I allowed to hire only people who share my organization’s religious beliefs?
- Do I have to participate in a workplace activity if it contradicts my religious beliefs?
- How do I continue living out my faith in every aspect of my life?
- Where do I turn if I’m threatened with legal or other consequences for living out my faith?
Registration and Cost:
Register now at http://mnreligiousfreedom.org/.
Cost is:
- $30 before Oct. 20
- $45 from Oct. 20 – Oct. 24 (at the door)
This event is sponsored by MCC, Transform MN, Minnesota Family Council, and Alliance Defending Freedom.
BONUS CLE-PROGRAM! Alliance Defending Freedom (formerly Alliance Defense Fund), along with Minnesota Family Council and Christian Legal Society of Minnesota, will co-host a Regional Legal Academy (RLA) on Friday, October 25, 2013. This RLA is a one-day CLE conference focusing on defending rights of conscience against discrimination charges. Stay tuned for further details and registration information! For questions, please contact [email protected].
October 24, 2013 at 9:00am - 3:30pm
St. Paul River Centre