Inside the Capitol
Uniting and renewing the pro-life movement
Posted by Minnesota Catholic Conference · October 30, 2023 1:24 PM
It is no secret the 2023 legislative session set back Minnesota’s pro-life movement, especially regarding the protection of women and girls’ health and safety. But there is no time for lamentations. Instead, we must move forward in a united and collaborative way to create a state where every preborn child is welcomed in life and respected by law.
Respect life: The right option at the end of life
Posted by Minnesota Catholic Conference · September 28, 2023 11:42 AM
To natural death. It’s a phrase we Catholics need to reflect and act on, not just during Respect Life Month in October but always. We’ve seen the horrible laws passed in St. Paul this year concerning the beginning of life. Attacks on the vulnerable at the end of life will now be in focus.
Defunding the City of Man
Posted by Minnesota Catholic Conference · August 21, 2023 10:50 AM
In political, social and economic life, there is no “neutral” ground. Good and evil are competing for control of the same institutions (political bodies, corporations, education, the arts and entertainment) because those institutions matter. We live our lives within them, and they shape the world around us. They can help bring us closer to God or pull us away from him.
The high cost of assisted reproductive technologies
Posted by Minnesota Catholic Conference · July 21, 2023 10:31 AM
The desire to be a parent is natural to our being and runs so deep that bearing the cross of infertility can leave couples with a devastating longing. This devastation is a reality for about nine percent of men and 11 percent of women. Amid this painful longing, too often couples seeking answers and options are placed on the assisted reproduction track—a dangerous and expensive endeavor that generates many ethical dilemmas—with the promise that the couple can create (or even design) a child.
Interfaith advocacy for the poor and vulnerable makes an impact in 2023
Posted by Minnesota Catholic Conference · July 21, 2023 10:25 AM
Catholic social teaching espouses a preferential option for the poor and vulnerable. In the public policy context, this means that policies should first be evaluated based on how they will affect those most in distress (Mt 25). It also means that addressing the needs of the poor and vulnerable should be one of the most important priorities in the legislative process, at whatever level of government.
Work in the vineyard must continue
Posted by Minnesota Catholic Conference · May 24, 2023 9:47 AM
In the face of adversity, all of us in the Church must keep tilling the soil so that good things will grow and be ready to harvest from our Capitol in St. Paul.
The legislature is making final decisions. Why your voice matters even in the final stages.
Posted by Minnesota Catholic Conference · May 10, 2023 3:09 PM
It is vital that Minnesota Catholics share their concerns with elected officials as the omnibus bills are being finalized as we near the end of the legislative session. Although there are some provisions in these bills that Minnesota Catholic Conference supports, there are many others that do things such as expand taxpayer funding of abortion and undermine conscience rights. The best way to stay informed and message legislators is to become a member of the Catholic Advocacy Network (www.
Let’s Make It Easier for Families to Welcome Their Newest Members
Posted by Minnesota Catholic Conference · April 27, 2023 4:07 PM
The Families First Project is an advocacy campaign of the Minnesota Catholic Conference to remove economic roadblocks that Minnesotans confront along their journey of forming and raising a family. This week’s column focuses on one Families First policy proposal that would make life a bit easier for new parents by reducing the tax burden they encounter when purchasing necessities for their newborn baby: a sales tax exemption on baby products.
Minnesota’s bishops meet with lawmakers to advocate for policies that put families first
Posted by Minnesota Catholic Conference · March 30, 2023 4:22 PM
It is no question that the family plays an irreplaceable role as the first economic unit, the first classroom, and the first community that each of us experiences. Parents perform the irreplaceable work of nurturing the next generation of thinkers, artisans, and caregivers. So, as the Minnesota legislature is now crafting the next biennial state budget and deciding what to do with a 17-billion-dollar surplus, Minnesota’s bishops are urging our lawmakers to place families first in their considerations.